"Bulan Merdeka "Tanah tumpah darahku" . Saya akan mencuba menulis artikel saya dalam bahasa malaysia sepanjang bulan ogos. Minta maaf kalau ayat- ayat atau kata- kata yang saya gunakan berbau bahasa indonesia atau english."

Salam merdeka. Ini adalah bahagian ketiga dari artikel. "(MIC & HINDRAF - Rela Demi Masyarakat???) Dalam artikel ini saya akan memberi pandangan peribadi Kenapa MIC & HINDRAF mesti kerjasama ( why must?). Sebelum saya ke isi artikel, kita mengimbas kembali ke comments pembaca pada artikel bahagian ke-2. Ada yang menyakatakan bahwa, kalau MIC ikhlas, kenapa tidak?. Ada yang menyatakan ini bertentangan dengan semangat Malaysia ( membawa kepada perkauman). Ada yang menyatakan yang mereka harus menunggu untuk PR.

MIC & HINDRAF - Kenapa Mesti ( Why Must)

HINDRAF telah menyatakan pendirian mereka, yang mereka adalah sebuah NGO yang bukan sayap parti politik manapun. Pada GE-12 mereka menyokong Pakatan Rakyat kerana tidak puas hati dengan Barisan Nasional. Selepas GE-12 , kita telah melihat banyak statement protest dari pemimpin HINDRAF keatas PR. ( seperti yang bisa ditelusuri dari artikel pertama). Statement terakhir dari pemimpin HINDRAF dalam Hal ini.(Hindraf waits on Pakatan promises but still backs it) Salah seorang koordinator utama HINDRAF menyatakan walaupun sekarang mereka kecewa dengan PR, HINDRAF akan terus menyokong PR sambil menunggu mereka memenuhi janji pilihan raya mereka.

Kerjasama ini tidak patut kita lihat sebagai suatu tindakan politik atau perkauman. HINDRAF bebas menyokong siapa sahaja. Tetapi mereka juga harus bersikap terbuka kepada pihak yang ingin membantu masyarakat . Adakah ini suatu tindakan perkauman??? Saya berpegang kepada pendapat saya, kita cintai "keluarga" kita, itu tidak bermakna kita tidak "sayangi" jiran- jiran kita. Kita harus bermula dari yang dasar. Tidak ada gunanya kita mencuba terbang tanpa belajar berjalan.

MIC merupakan suatu parti politik yang mempunyai pengalaman lebih 50 tahun dalam memperjuangkan hak masyarakat india dan berpengalaman "kerjasama" dengan kaum- kaum lain. Pengalaman ini adalah penting bagi kita menghormati sentimen sentimen kaum lain. Tidak boleh kita lupakan bahwa formula kerjasama BN inilah yang membawakan kemerdekaan kepada kita 50 tahun lalu.

Sekian lama MIC telah berfungsi sebagai satu satunya parti yang mewakili masyarakat india di kerajaan. Tetapi pada GE-12 HINDRAF mengatakan bahawa MIC telah gagal. Sebagai suatu parti politik yang sekian lama mendapat kepercayaan 100% dari masyarakat, MIC harus menerima kritikan ini dengan hati yang terbuka.

MIC telah menunjukkan keikhlasan dan keupayaan mereka .(MIC- WALKING THE TALK) Hal- hal sperti, sekolah tamil dan pendidikan telah diberi perhatian khusus oleh kerajaan. Selain itu jentera parti MIC sekarang mengalami proses "rebranding". Untuk menjadi sebuah parti yang akur pada perubahan keadaan dan pendapat rakyat.

Tapi, adakah HINDRAF akan menunjukkan sikap keterbukaan dalam menerima hal ini. Merek berupaya menggerakan beribu- ribu orang unutk menunjukkan kepada kerajaan rasa tidak puas hati mereka. Kenapa tidak bersatu untuk menjayakan agenda MIC untuk kepentingan masyarakat?

Bersatu dalam hal ini bukan bermaksud mereka harus menjadi ahli MIC ataupun menyokong BN. Bersatu dalam hal ini adalah menyampaikan "demand" mereka kepada kerajaan melalu satu alur yang relevent dan wajar. Cara ini telah terbukti keberkesanan pada era merdeka. Kenapa sekarang tidak boleh?

Mereka boleh saja menunggu pakatan rakyat untuk menunaikan janji pilihan raya mereka. Tetapi sambil menunggu kenapa tidak menggunakan peluang- peluang yang disediakan kepada mereka oleh MIC melalui kerajaan.(MIC- WALKING THE TALK). MIC sedang membuktikan kepada masyarakat bahawa mereka tidak pernah berhenti menyumbang kepada pembangunan masyarakat. Kenapa tidak HINDARAF berganding bahu dengan MIC dalam mejayakan upaya mereka. DEMI MASYARAKAT DAN NEGARA MALAYSIA YANG KITA CINTAI.

TODAY'S NEWS ( 9/8/08) :
To be continued with MIC & HINDRAF - Kenapa sekarang ( Why now)...........

"When we speak with one voice, we will achieve our goals.
When we act with one determination,
nothing can stop us from fulfilling our dreams,"

Bahagian 1 dari artikel ini -
MIC & HINDRAF - Rela Demi Masyarakat India???
Bahagian 2 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF - Kenapa tidak? - Bahagian II


Anonymous said...

yea Y not... i think they should...

PR just giving reasons for every single of our request.

anwar, you need to look in to the election promises u did to us. we still exist!!!

dont push us away everytime by saying its a multiracial party. yes it is multiracial. and remember we are part of it. there is a word race in the multiracial. and we are a part of it.

my malaysian saudara saudari, please...this is not some kind of racial demands. please undertand that. the need is there for us. plz

frags said...

Bagaimanakah HINDRAF dapat berkerjasama membangunkan masyarakat apabila 5 daripada mereka ditahan dibawah ISA?

Kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah mendakwa bahawa HINDRAF mempunyai hubungan dengan kumpulan penganas. Jika begitu adakah MIC sanggup bekerjasama dengan penganas? Bukankah MIC sebahagian daripada kerajaan Barisan Nasional?

Pemimpin pemimpin HINDRAF telah diaibkan di dalam media masa kerajaan dan mereka dipisahkan daripada kerjaya professional mereka and keluarga mereka. Tidakkah MIC sebahagian daripada kerajaan yang telah membuat begitu?

Adakah MIC berfikir sekarang bahawa mereka telah membuat suatu 'miscalculation' dan HINDRAF mungkin mempunyai kebenaran dalam desakan mereka terhadap kerajaan? Adakah MIC berfikir ianya salah untuk manahan mereka mengunakan ISA dan mereka tidak ada kaitan dengan kumpulan penganas?

Adakah MIC berasa kecewa atas tindakan polis atas protes HINDRAF tahun lepas? Adakah MIC terasa komen perdana menteri Abdullah Badawi dan bekas Menteri Besar Selangor yang melabelkan HINDRAF sebagai kumpulan extremis dan memfitnah pemimpin mereka tidak munasabah dan adalah satu penipuan?

Kenapakah MIC rela berkerjasama sekarang dengan HINDRAF tetapi telah menjauhi diri meraka daripada desakan HINDRAF sebelum pilahanraya umum(Macrh 8)? Presiden MIC sendiri telah menidak-nidakkan desakan HINDRAF sebagai extremis dan mumpunyai agenda politik mereka tersendiri. Adakah Presiden MIC telah menukarkan pandangan beliau terhadap desakan HINDRAF?


Saudara Theshi,

Pandangan saudara sangat wajar. Ini adalah pandangan dan pendapat orang ramai termasuk penyokong kerajaan.

Tapi, pada pengamatan saya, MIC hanya tidak bersetuju dengan "cara" yang digunakan oleh HINDRAF.

Sebelum ini kita tidak pernah membawa suatu perkara ke "jalan". Kita berkemapuan untuk menyelesaikan apa saja masalah dengan rundingan.

Itulah perbezaan antara MIC dan hindraf. tapi pada dasarnya kedua pihak memperjuangkan hal yang sama.

Selepas GE-12 kita telah lihat spresident MIC dan banyak lagi parti komponen BN yang mnyeru supaya H5 dibebaskan.
Kita perlu menerima bahawa "nobody is perfect"

Walaupun pendekatan HINDRAF dianggap "salah" oleh kerajaan, tapi mereka menunjukkan keprihatinan terhadap masalah yang dibawa oleh mereka.

Pada keadaan sekarang, dimana dari pihak MIC dan kerajaan telah menunjukkan keikhlasan mere, apakah kita akan "say no?"

itu persolan setiap satu individu harus menjawab dengan pikiran hati bukan politik.

I am nobody to answer for MIC. Your question should be answered by MIC. Not by words but by action. action talks louder then words. lets the ppl judge their sincerity borther.

Anonymous said...

Rival groups unified in protest
Andrew Ong | Aug 9, 08 4:04pm
# Muslim groups divided by their political inclinations joined forces to protest against the Bar Council forum on religious conversions today.MORE
Same objective, different methods
Relatively incident-free



Anonymous said...

I think you are having a blind faith and supporting the treacherous BN. It is crystal clear that MIC, MCA and other components parties are just there to gather votes for the UMNO controlled BN, so that they can continue to plunder the nations wealth and rundown the citizens like a runaway train.

Looking at the events unfolding after the election, I guess we are moving in the direction of Somalia, Zimbabwe and Myanmar who simply stomp on the human-rights, stifle and choke the citizens to silence.

There are many unanswered questions which arouse doubts of the credibility of the government.

Today an event unfolded, where Malay/Muslim extremists gathered to protest a forum held by Bar Council. The forum is held to talk about the plights of the converts and what solutions can be adapated in a win-win. Why can't they let them talk?

You see, this is not the only issue here. Anything the non-Malays raise, they immediately say don't challenge and THE BLOODY GOVERNMENT just shuts up and watches the event. Why they didn't arrest the perpetrators? The GPMS rowdies are UMNOs running dogs!

I'm a citizen of Malaysia and I have every right that a Malay has. IF I have to die fighting for it, so be it! MIC is not willing to question all these issues, they choose ignorance.

No amount of your justification of MIC will satisfy me!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Don't you think it is wise for MIC to be MIC and Hindraf to be Hindraf?Bear in mind that MIC is a political party and Hindraf is a NGO.Why should they merge?If MIC can do better for Indians just do it Man.If Hindraf can do better for Indians just do it Man.At the end the Indians will benefit from this.Don't merge each other and become "kepala besar " in the name of unity and suck the Indians blood.We need to cross check each other in order to avoid any manipulation as this involve human who're well known for selfishness.
Publish comment ini jangan tak publish pulak macam komen-komen yang saya hantar dahulu.....



vanakkam Yashi,

I think none of the MIC leaders talking about merging mic-hindraf.

kindly read tru my article, i think i have explained that.

you are rite, we need to have a strong opp to cross-check.

But if its for the sake of community and nation, i dont see any harm in cooperation.

P/s: i have published your earlier comments.

Anonymous said...

why we must see everything in political aspect????

they can always work in the social aspect.

look at the unemployment level crime level of our community.

we need to reform on that 1st.

for that we need a voice in the ruling government.

so y not? i dont think any true indian will say NO and i dont think any true malaysian will say this is racist.

Anonymous said...

If MIC walking the talk all the while as you said in the article,then they should continue to do so.Why they need other brands like IPFlah,Subralah or Hindraf?They're in the ruling party and they can do ample of miracles if they're really sincere and strong? Do you think MIC give a damn for Hindraf if all MIC candidates won on 8th of March?I don't think so.My God guys if you're really sincere and in the position of helping Indian,pls do so without giving much importance for publicity.Why you bothered about Hindraf?Leave them alone and let them continue to do their part.You do your part.Don't tell me that you only help Indians if they vote for MIC.This doesn't show your sincerity and your real struggle for Indians.Correct me if I'm wrong.



Vanakkam yashi,

Very reasonable question..... Why bother about others. The answer is very simple bro, because "this are everybody". Those are the community.

As a political party , MIC have the responsibility to hear what they got to say.

HINDRAF gone public and spoke of many issues and demands. and it is MIC's responsibility to take steps rite.

to work for the community. Who are the community? IPF + HINDRAF + etc etc etc rite?

p/s: this are my personal opinions. I ma not talking behalf of MIC or anything..:). Brother yashi, seems like you have many questions. Rather then we debate via comment box, why don't you u mail me your thoughts and i'll publish it with a respond.

Anonymous said...

I'm sister Yashi,mother of three girls and I'll definately drop you an e-mail.

DR SURESH said...

I for on am not against the union you are talking about.But I simply have no confidence with the present MIC leadership many of them are of dubious characters and dont look sincere to me.Hindraf is apolitical and they havedone what MIC couldnt do,that is they have unified many Indians than ever before.

Why is it now that Samy realized the need for rebranding esp after the 12th GE?There was a documentary shown here in Australia about a month after the 12th GE debacle.Samy was interviewed by the Australian journalist and he made a fool of himself by being in denial and arrogant.He even referred to those poor and marginalized hindraf protestors as trouble makers and went on record to say that he will win hands down.He mebtioned these same things to the media in India and said all is fine wth the Malaysian Indians.He even even supported the arrest of those 5 unsung heroes under the draconian ISA initially.If MIC is sincere and wants to hoop up with Hindraf then he must get the 5 out asap,nothing less is in order,this would probably win the hearts of some indians at least.Next MIC has to clean up its leadership,too many dubious characters or power and money hungry sums are in there.
There alots of things I san say here as to why MIC and Hindraf should not hook at this moment in time including my own experience,but i feel this is not the right platform.

Genuine grievances of the indians like 40,000 stateless people some of their children lost schooling opportunities,univesity intakes for indians going down from 10% to 5% now,deplorable tamil schools,temple demolitions,body snatchings were not adrresed by MIC efficiently.They are just a pawn of the racist UMNOs,who shut them up with the ringgit.

I concur with you that unity amongst the Indians is paramount,but that is unlikely to happen under MIC until and unless they clean up their acts and start listening to the grievances at the grass root level.

Thank You and regards,



Do yourself a favor Punithan, quit MIC. MIC has betrayed the Indian community for more than 50 years to the ultra racist Umno Malays while enriching themselves and their families while the Indian community in Malaysia languished in all aspects and ended up as 4th Class citizens. Time for MIC to gulung tikar. Stop wasting your time on this rebranding. Already the Indians are cursing MIC. Don't get yourself cursed as well for MIC. It's not worth it bro.