Its people's budget. This is part of the government's efforts to boost a sluggish economy due to a worldwide slowdown.... says the government
The Malaysian government is set to unveil an expansionary budget for 2009, including higher state spending and tax cuts, in a bid to bolster both the economy and the ruling coalition's political standing..... says some international economical analysts
A Budget for Pak Lah's political survival .... says the opposition camp.
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- Travel allowance for commuting to work provided by employers be given full tax deduction, while the employees receiving such an allowance be given tax exemption of up to RM2,400 per year.
- Tax exemption be given to employees on:
Interest subsidies on housing, motor vehicles and education loans. The tax exemption will be limited to total loans up to RM300,000;Mobile phones, as well as telephone and internet bills paid by the employer;
Staff discounts of up to RM1,000 a year on company traded goods;Staff discounts on services rendered by the company, such as private schools providing free education to children of their employees; and
Childcare allowance of up to RM2,400 per year.
- Tax exemption on medical benefits provided by employers to include expenses on maternity and traditional medicine, namely acupuncture and ayurvedic.
- Effective Jan 1 2009, civil servants with a monthly household income of RM3,000 eligible for a subsidy of RM180 per month.
Improving Public Transportation
- A sum of RM35bil will be expended during the period 2009 to 2014 to improve public transportation.
- The existing LRT system in the Klang Valley will be extended by 30km, that is 15km respectively, for Kelana Jaya and Ampang lines. Upon completion in 2011, the extensions are expected to benefit 2.6 million residents in the Subang Jaya-USJ and Kinrara-Puchong areas, compared with 1.9 million currently.
- A new LRT line will be built along a 42km route from Kota Damansara to Cheras; to be completed in 2014.
- The commuter rail services of Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) will be upgraded. Rehabilitation works are being undertaken on the existing 20 Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) and are expected to be completed in 2009. An additional 13 new units of EMUs will be acquired and be operational by 2011.
- To reduce the operating costs of public transport operators:
government will provide a soft loan facility of RM3bil under the Public Transportation Fund, administered by Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad (BPMB), to finance the acquisition of buses and rail assets; and
reduce toll charges by 50% for all buses, except at border entry points, namely Johor Causeway, Second Link and Bukit Kayu Hitam, for a period of two years, effective Sept 15 2008.
- Road tax will also be reduce to RM20 a year for all bus, taxi, car rental and limousine operators.
Dr Mahathir said: "The prime minister has taken a ride on the commuter train and the LRT. I suppose he knows what the position is like."
The former prime minister said he used to take the train ride for fun and could find a seat then, but now he could not get one because there were too many people using it. This happened even before the fuel price hike.
He was speaking after launching a pre-Ramadan blood donation campaign, jointly organised by Pusat Darah Negara, Mara Junior College Alumni, Aeon Co (M) Bhd, and Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd at a shopping mall in Bukit Tinggi here.
Food Security
- Sum of RM5.6bil is provided under the National Food Security Policy, for the period 2008 to 2010. This allocation is to provide incentives to agriculture entrepreneurs to reduce production costs and encourage higher agriculture output.
- RM300mil allocated to increase fish landings. Of this, RM180mil is in the form of cost of living allowance to fishermen and fishing boat owners, as well as RM120mil as incentive for fish landings.
- RM1bil allocation as incentives for 220,000 padi farmers throughout the country to increase padi production.
He said the move would help farmers increase padi production and quality as it would save them planting cost as they could buy fertilisers and pesticides at affordable prices.
“Quality fertilisers and pesticides will be translated into quality padi,” he told Bernama here today.
Ahmad said the padi farmers were thankful to the government for easing their burden as the price of fertilisers and pesticides had doubled.
Promoting Small and Medium Enterprises
- All SME assets in the form of plant and machinery acquired in the years of assessment 2009 and 2010 be given Accelerated Capital Allowance to be claimed within one year. In addition, SMEs are allowed to claim full Capital Allowance on all small value assets within one year.
In tabling the 2009 Budget in the Dewan Rakyat, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said SMEs be given Accelerated Capital Allowance on expenses incurred on plant and machinery acquired in year of assessment 2009 and 2010.
The allowance is to be claimed within one year — in the year of assessment the asset is fully acquired.
The prime minister also said SMEs be not subjected to the maximum limit of RM10,000 for capital allowance on small value assets in year of assessment 2009.
At present, the total value of small assets that qualify for capital allowance is limited to only RM10,000.
Currently, SMEs are subject to 20 percent income tax on the first RM500,000 chargeable income and 26 percent on the remaining chargeable income.
National Energy Plan
- Exemption of import duty and sales tax on solar photovoltaic system equipment, import duty and sales tax on intermediate goods such as High Efficiency Motors and insulation materials; sales tax on locally manufactured solar heating system equipment; sales tax on locally manufactured energy efficient consumers goods such as refrigerators, air-conditioners, lightings, fans and televisions; and 100% import duty and 50% excise duty on new hybrid CBU cars, with engine capacity below 2,000 cc, be given to franchise importers. This exemption is given for a period of two years to prepare for the local assembly of such cars.
"We have been waiting for it," said Honda Malaysia managing director and chief executive officer Atsushi Fujimoto.
"Hybrid cars, being environmentally friendly, is the direction being taken globally," he said.
Fujimoto said with the new incentives, the price of Honda's Civic Hybrid 1.3i-VTEC would be reduced as more Malaysians would be able afford the hybrid car.
Malaysia Energy Centre national project leader of solar projects Ahmad Hadri Haris said a removal of import duty and sales tax on solar photovoltaic system equipment would result in good savings for the consumer.
He also said removing import and sales taxes on high efficiency motors would mean that retailers could sell better motors at prices that were equivalent to or only just slightly more than normal motors.
Towards A Vibrant Capital Market
- Tax exemption be given on fees received by domestic intermediaries, which successfully list foreign companies and foreign investment products in Bursa Malaysia. This measure will also enable domestic investors to acquire shares of foreign companies listed in the local exchange.
- Current tax rate on dividends received by foreign institutional investors from Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) be reduced from 20% to 10%. Recognising that REITs is an attractive investment product for individuals as well, the Government also proposes a reduction in tax rate from 15% to 10%.
Ensuring Public Safety
- RM5.4bil is allocated in the 2009 Budget to enhance the capacity of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM). Of this, RM4.8bil is for Operating Expenditure and RM600mil for Development Expenditure.
- RM220mil is allocated in 2009 for the construction of police headquarters and stations nationwide.
- For the period 2008 to 2010, a total of 22,800 constables and 3,000 inspectors will be recruited. In addition, the special incentive allowance for PDRM personnel will be increased from RM100 to RM200 monthly, effective Jan 1 2009.
- All business premises installed with security control equipment be given Accelerated Capital Allowance, which is fully claimable within one year.
Promoting Tourism
- New investments by 4-star and 5-star hotel operators in Sabah and Sarawak be given Pioneer Status with 100% income tax exemption or Investment Tax Allowance of 100% for 5 years.
- RM50mil for conservation works of heritage sites in Malacca and Penang to support activities undertaken by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and private sector.
They welcomed the RM50 million allocation for conservation work at heritage sites in Malacca and Penang.
A portion of the allocation would also be used for heritage educational programmes for the young, and sustaining traditional trade and activities.
"It is important that the allocation be divided equally between the two cities."
She was commenting on the RM50 million allocation to support activities undertaken by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the private sector at heritage sites.
Penang Heritage Trust president Dr Choong Sim Poey said the allocation should be defined clearly.
This should include identifying who is eligible for funding and how much.
"NGOs used to be given some allocations but it was often difficult to get hold of the money," he said.
Choong also called for incentives to be given to pre-war house owners to restore their premises.
"With the incentives, they will at least restore the buildings instead of neglecting them."
Social Safety Net
- Eligibility criteria for welfare assistance under the Welfare Department, increased from a monthly household income of RM400 to RM720 for Peninsular Malaysia, RM830 for Sarawak and RM960 for Sabah.
- Government pensioners who had served at least 25 years upon retirement, will receive a pension of not less than RM720 per month, effective Jan 1 2009. Increased
- The Government will now also set up a Special fund of RM25mil set up to channel financial assistance to victims of calamities such as floods and fire.
Eradicating Poverty
- Programmes to enhance income, as well as provide skills and career development training under the Skim Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Rakyat to be continued. In addition, Program Lonjakan Mega Luar Bandar is being implemented in Pulau Banggi, Sabah and Tanjung Gahai, in Kuala Lipis, Pahang.
- In 2009, RM50mil is allocated to build 1,400 new houses and repair 1,000 houses under the Housing Assistance Programme. Priority will be given to senior citizens, the disabled and single parents with many dependents as well as victims of natural disasters.
- RM580mil and RM420mil allocated for Sabah and Sarawak respectively to increase income and enhance quality of life of Malaysians there by improving basic amenities, such as electricity, water and rural roads.
- Households which incur monthly electricity bills of RM20 or less, will not have to pay for electricity, for the period from 1 October 2008 to end of 2009.
- The current tax rebate of RM350 per person be increased to RM400 for those with taxable income of RM35,000 and below.
- All interest income from savings for individuals be tax exempt.
- Reduce import duties on various consumer durables from between 10% and 60% to between 5% and 30%. These include blender, rice cooker, microwave oven and electric kettle.
- Full import duty exemption on several food items, which currently attract import duties of between 2% and 20%. These include vermicelli, biscuits, fruit juices and canned sweet corn.
- Reduce the road tax on private passenger vehicles with diesel engines to be the same as those with petrol engines, effective 1 September 2008.
Low-income earners here, in Penang, Johor Baru, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu have been given a lifeline by Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM).
AIM chairman Datuk Amihamzah Ahmad said it was about time that AIM reached out to the urban poor.
"When AIM first started, we gave loans to those earning below RM700 a month. Now those earning RM1,500 can also apply.
"We have already started lending to low-wage earners in Kuala Lumpur, as they have been hard hit by rising prices of goods and services."
"We start with a RM2,000 loan and depending on the borrower's track record and eligibility, it can go up to RM50,00."
AIM borrowers are mostly those who could not get bank loans.
Enhancing Health Services
- Excise duty specific on cigarettes increased by three sen from 15 sen per stick to 18 sen per stick. With this, the duty for a 20-stick pack of cigarettes is now increased by 60 sen.
"We were not looking for zero tax increase as we understand the government's need to increase tax revenue for its many projects to help the people especially the poor and underprivileged and for development.
"We were just hoping that it would not be double-digit again to ease volumes pressure due to down trading to illegal cigarettes.
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations was, however, disappointed that the tobacco tax increase "is far too low".
"We think that an overall 60 sen increase per packet of 20s would not be a deterring factor for tobacco consumption," said chief executive officer Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman.
Civil Service
- A bonus of one-month salary, subject to a minimum of RM1,000 for 2008. The bonus will be paid in two instalments, namely in September and December 2008.
They felt that the bonus of one month's salary announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday fell short of what the public sector expected.
Cuepacs deputy president Husain Mohd Yasin said civil servants were expecting to receive a bonus of 1 1/2 months' salary.
He added that Cuepacs was disappointed because there was no increase in the cost of living allowance (Cola) or the housing allowance for civil servants.
Husain also said the annual free return airfares between Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak only benefited those who were from the two states.
On the the extension of housing loans to 30 years, he said the pressing issue was not how long the loan was for, but what kind of interest rates were charged.
"All it means is that we will be paying the same interest rates for a longer period, which doesn't mean all that much to us.
"We hoped for a reduction of at least one per cent on the four per cent interest we are paying now," he added.
Husain said on the whole, the 2009 budget was "a disappointing one".
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today Cuepacs can make an appeal for reconsideration of its demands which were not fulfilled in the budget for 2009 tabled in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday.
“We cannot expect to have all demands fulfilled at every budget. Last year, the government entertained Cuepacs’ demand for a salary increase and provided the largest pay hike ever but there was no bonus payment.
“This year, we have given a one-month bonus. We have to consider our capacity to make the payments. Civil servants also benefit indirectly from the other allocations of the government,” he told reporters after presenting aid to mosques and surau in his Pekan parliamentary constituency in conjunction with the approaching Ramadan fasting month.
Cuepacs president Omar Osman had lamented yesterday that some of the demands of the umbrella body for civil service unions had not been fulfilled in Budget 2009.
Developing Quality Human Capital
- A sum of RM70mil is allocated in 2009 to train 5,600 nurses in training colleges under the Ministry of Health, with 2,000 in recognised private training colleges.
- To meet the need for new schools and replace dilapidated schools, 110 primary and 181 secondary schools will be built. In addition, to ensure that existing schools are well maintained, an allocation of RM615mil is provided.
- RM14.1bil to improve quality of learning at institutions of higher learning. Of this, RM8bil is for Operating Expenditure for public institutions of higher learning, RM627mil for polytechnics and community colleges as well as RM37mil for the Malaysian Qualification Agency.
“Budget 2009 is truly a budget for the poor. Never has there been so many goodies for the less fortunate. The tax incentives and rebates proposed will benefit all races and I applaud the Government’s political will in these measures. I'm also glad the Government has kept its promise to redevelop Tamil schools.”
Generating Income Through Micro Credit
- RM160mil allocated to provide better education opportunities as well as improve health and basic amenities for the Orang Asli.
- A monthly allowance of RM150 to disabled who are unable to work. In addition, the monthly allowance for disabled students in special education schools, will also be increased from RM50 to RM150, while teaching assistants in these schools will be provided incentive payments of RM200 per month.
- In 2009, an allocation of RM330mil is provided to Jabatan Perumahan Negara to complete 4,400 units of Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) Disewa, 1,500 units of PPR Bersepadu and 600 units of PPR Dimiliki. In addition, Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad will build 33,000 low cost houses.
- For civil servants, tenure of new housing loans extended from 25 years to 30 years. They will also be provided housing loan facility for renovation works on houses not purchased through Government housing loan.
- For medium cost houses of up to RM250,000, a 50% stamp duty exemption is extended to the loan agreement on top of the 50% stamp duty exemption on the instrument of transfer.
- For companies contributing to charitable institutions, the limit of tax deduction be increased from 7% to 10% of aggregate income.
Improving Public Amenities
- Allocation of RM3bil to intensify efforts to further develop Sabah and Sarawak for infrastructure projects, including 266 km of federal and rural roads, benefiting more than 550,000 residents.
- An allocation of RM3.3bil is provided for Sarawak to implement various projects, including the construction of 230 km of federal and rural roads, benefiting more than 350,000 residents.
“I welcome the RM420mil allocation to eradicate hardcore poverty in Sarawak through improving basic amenities such as electricity, water and rural roads. Improving welfare services and enhancing quality of life of the hardcore poor through education could help tackle poverty in Sarawak.”
- The highest marginal tax rate for individuals be reduced from 28% to 27%, effective the year of assessment 2009. In addition, the marginal tax rate of 13% will also be reduced to 12%, which will benefit the middle income group.
- Recruitment costs, such as payments to employment agencies and participation in job fairs, be tax deductible.
Strengthening The Nation’s Resilience
- To encourage private sector activities, tax treatment on group relief be enhanced by allowing losses for the purpose of offsetting be increased from 50% to 70%.
- An additional RM300mil under the Strategic Investment Fund to further strengthen private investment in Iskandar Malaysia.
- Venture capital companies that invest at least 30% of their funds in start-up, early stage financing or seed capital be eligible for a 5-year tax exemption.
Salam Merdeka,
Pengorbanan pemimpin hindraf yang ditahan dibawah ISA sekarang menjadi persoalan!!!. Kalau dulu mereka dilihat sebagai 'hero'. sekarang ketua umum hindraf sendiri menggambarkan mereka sebagai pengkihanat.
HINDRAF ditubuhkan untuk memaksa kerajaan BN untuk berlaku lebih adil kepada masyarakat india. Itulah tujuan utama penubuhan hindraf.
Kita telah menghantar message kepada kerajaan BN pada GE-12. WE WANT CHANGES!!!.
MIC telah mengakui permintaan HINDRAF. They are actually walking the change. No more behind the door talk. The youth wing of MIC, become very vocal and bold to question against their partners. Inilah langkah pertama kepada perubahan yang kita inginkan.
Kenapa 'say no' bila MIC menunjukkan keikhlasan mereka? Kenapa menghalang perubahan yang kita idamkan?Vasanthakumar a SB Plant? How Convenient!
by Murugesan Sinnandavar ( MIC YOUTH Vice- Coordinator)How long will HINDRAF keep on blaming everything that is wrong on the BN Government and MIC? Now that they have internal squabbles, there it is again, the convenient bogeyman to point the accusing finger.
Recently someone wrote in Malaysiakini that HINDRAF had been betrayed by the PR in the four new states ruled by them. The writer went on to state that nothing much had changed and PR failed to deliver on the election promises.
Actually, PR didn’t betray the Indian Community.
We were betrayed by the people that asked us to vote for the PR blindly!
PR was just being a political organization that made use of the opportunity.
Mind you, BN had its faults and that is the reason why we performed poorly on GE12. It wasn’t anyone’s doing but ours. We admit that.
Likewise, whether HINDRAF is to progress as an organization or falter will depend entirely on HINDRAF and not outside forces.
Please stop blaming everything on the Government, BN and MIC. Perhaps MIC’s splinter group could be up to something with HINDRAF’s splinter group. We do not know.
MIC has no time or the inclination to meddle into the affairs of others. We are busy getting our act together and reinventing ourselves in order to serve the community better.
Stop crying wolf all the time for people will stop paying attention after a while.
"When we speak with one voice, we will achieve our goals. When we act with one determination, nothing can stop us from fulfilling our dreams,"
Bahagian 1 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF - Rela Demi Masyarakat India???
Bahagian 2 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF - Kenapa tidak? - Bahagian II
Bahagian 3 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF - Kenapa Mesti- Bahagian III
Bahagian 4 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF : WHY NOW?
Salam Merdeka,
Berita utama di malaysiakini hari ini ( Hindraf chief's bombshell: ISA detainee a SB agent) . Suatu statement dari pengerusi hindraf yang menurut saya, merupakan titik hitam kepada perjuangan mereka.
Tahun Lalu hindraf mengadakan protes besar besaran "menentang" dasar- dasar kerajaan yang 'anak tirikan" masyarakat india. Mereka menjadi salah satu faktor yang menurunkan peratus kemenangan BN pada GE-12.
5 pemimpin hindraf ditahan dibawah ISA. Ketua umum hindraf, sekarang berada di London. Pengaruh pemimpin- pemimpin ini pada masyarakat india harus diakui. Secara langsung dan tidak langsung mereka menyeru masyarakat india menyokong Barisan Rakyat.
Selepas GE-12, Pakatan Rakyat dikritik secara terbuka oleh ramai pemimpin hindraf kerana tidak memenuhi jaji pilihan raya mereka.
Isu- isu seperti, perlantikan exco di negeri PR dan perlantikan ahli majilis menyebabkan rasa tidak puas hati, bukan sahaja di kalangan masyarakat umum tetapi juga koordinator- koordinator utama hindraf. (Hindraf: Why so few Indian councillors in Perak?)
Permohonan terbuka ketua umum hindraf kepada menteri besar negeri PR dalam hal Tanah untuk sekolah tamil, belum mendapat hasil.
(Letter to Perak MB )
(Letter to MB on Tamil Schools and Temples)
Yang terakhir adalah surat ketua umum hindraf kepada YB DSAI. (Letter to DSAI)
Perkembangan 'mengejut" dari ketua umum hindraf sekarang adalah berita mengenai
KUALA LUMPUR: Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) chairman P. Waytha Moorthy has accused Internal Security Act detainee K. Vasantha Kumar of being a government plant.
Waytha had alleged that Vasantha Kumar was planted by the Special Branch to infiltrate Hindraf.
He said two top government officials had confirmed that Vasantha Kumar was "assigned" to break up Hindraf lawyers and the organisation at the Kamunting detention camp.
Waytha Moorthy is seeking refuge in the United Kingdom. The allegations were in a statement posted on the Hindraf website.
Vasantha Kumar's wife, K. Vickneswary, however, has come out fighting in defence of her husband.
"It does not make sense for a Special Branch member to be detained under the ISA. The rumours have been around since the day he was arrested. This is nonsense.
"I don't know why Waytha Moorthy is making such allegations. It is only causing friction among the detained leaders, which would lead to the destruction of the movement."
Vickneswary said before the Nov 25 rally, Hindraf leaders had met at lawyer P. Uthayakumar' s house to discuss their plans.
"Waytha Moorthy wanted to call off the rally but it was my husband who insisted it go on. From then, there was bad blood between the two."
She accused Waytha Moorthy of "chickening out" of the rally by not posting bail when he was arrested along with Uthayakumar and V. Ganabatirau, another Hindraf member.
Police had arrested the trio on Nov 16 but Uthayakumar and Ganabatirau had posted bail and were released while Waytha Moorthy refused bail as a sign of protest and was sent to the Sungai Buloh prison.
Vickneswary said: "He wanted to play safe and avoid being implicated for organising or leading the rally.
"He ran away and allowed the other Hindraf leaders to languish in jail.
"If he is going to accuse my husband of anything, I challenge him to come back here and do it, not from a foreign land."
The organisers of the Nov 25 rally -- Uthayakumar, M. Manoharan, R. Kenghadharan, Ganabatirau and Vasantha Kumar -- are detained under the ISA.
OTHERS :Bahagian 1 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF - Rela Demi Masyarakat India???
Bahagian 2 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF - Kenapa tidak? - Bahagian II
Bahagian 3 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF - Kenapa Mesti- Bahagian III
Bahagian 4 dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF : WHY NOW?
The rakyat spoken. As expected, YB DSAI is back in parliament. With a bigger majority compare to his wife and smaller majority compare to his last election in Permatang Pauh 10 years ago.
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menegaskan, kerajaan akan melakukan perubahan yang perlu bagi mengembalikan keyakinan rakyat kepada UMNO dan Barisan Nasional (BN).Its a clear call for BN from the rakyat. REFORM NOW!Merujuk kepada kekalahan BN pada pilihan raya kecil Parlimen Permatang Pauh hari ini, Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkata, BN menghormati keputusan pengundi Permatang Pauh yang memberi kemenangan kepada Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Beliau berkata, keputusan pilihan raya kecil itu mencerminkan amalan demokrasi yang segar di negara ini dan jelas menunjukkan tiada unsur manipulasi.
‘(Apa pun) Kita akur dengan keputusan pengundi Permatang Pauh yang mahukan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim berkhidmat untuk mereka dan berharap dia akan memainkan peranan yang membawa kepada kesejahteraan dan amalan demokrasi negara,” katanya.
Penasihat PKR itu yang memperoleh 31,195 undi menewaskan Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah yang meraih 15,524 undi, manakala seorang lagi calon, Hanafi Mamat daripada Angkatan Keadilan Insan Malaysia (AKIM) hilang wang deposit apabila hanya meraih 92 undi.
Najib berkata, meskipun BN kalah, penghargaan masih perlu diberikan kepada penduduk Permatang Pauh yang mengundi Arif Shah.
From what i see, since GE-12, BN especially UMNO is paying their undivided attention on DSAI. Yes, DSAI doing the same on UMNO. For DSAI, his political future evolves around BN's downfall. But its not the same for BN. They need to give priority for the rakyat and WALK THE CHANGE NOW!
Rakyat expecting more from BN. This is the second warning from the rakyat for BN. With hope, lets see what is their walk to win back the trust , rakyat once had on BN.
Salam merdeka to all,
"Why i closing my eyes on BN leader's cons"???. The kind of responds i'll be getting for this post. But as i explained earlier on the way i choose to walk my blog, there are many blogers took up the task of 'highlighting' and some 'only highlighting' the cons of BN. The rakyat have the right to know pro and cons of both sides to choose the best for them. so..... here i continue my WALK.....Malaysiakini highlighted two news today. It stole the headlines of all major news medias.

Cash and sex': 2 Perak excos nabbed Aug 20, 08 12:12pm - breaking news updated 9.39pm Two Perak PKR state executive councillors and a former PKR state assemblyperson were among six people detained in an ACA sting.MORE
To expedite RM180m housing project ACA: It involved sexual bribery too

Assault on photographers: PKR division leader held Andrew Ong & S Pathmawathy | Aug 20, 08 3:03pm - breaking news updated 5.50pm A PKR division leader was arrested this afternoon in connection with the assault of two press photographers in Permatang Pauh last Saturday.MORE
PKR info chief sees red Three detained in connection with the case
Membersihkan negara daripada rasuah dan budaya gangterisme politik??? Very promising indeed.
Two PKR Exco Members Detained by ACA
( MIC CWC Member, MIC Youth Vice Coordinator)
.......................... we must drive home the point that politicians should not AND can not view being an elected representative as a ticket towards personal riches.
Enough is enough.
Political parties and the entire system must ensure that only those who are genuine to serve be given an opportunity. No longer should we stand-by and allow politicians to think that they can earn some side income beyond the reaches of the law.
The view that politics is a means to make money must change. Those interested in becoming rich quickly must look elsewhere and leave politics.
Whether this happens or not is ultimately in the hands of the people who send the message to political parties through their votes.
(with the sign "BEWARE OF LANDSLIDES" )
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LAZARUS said...MY REPLYVanakkam Bro Punithan,
Blogger Margeemar has challenged you and MIC Youth to take action against Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, an Indian Muslim for using the word Pariah. You can read Margeemar's challenge here at http://margeemar.blogspot.comAugust 19, 2008 9:38 AM
Salam merdeka,
To Lazarus, Thank you for advertising my blogs via comment box in many blogs. Your afford is appreciated. With respect, who is this margeemar to challenge me? or who am i to be challenged by him? I am just a normal member of the community like him. I believe i have cleared my stand on that in my post "JUDGE ME!!!". That goes for everyone. In that Post, i have never mentioned about the word "pariah". So its for the ppl to judge sir, not for us do debate on. Thank you.
Anonymous said...
Do you know who is responsible for Indian crime rate? "Tepuk dada Tanya Selera".Now the crime is like cancer in our community and the medicine is with us "Makkal Sakhti".Dear Punithan,
I fully support that we must educate Indian Youths to be good citizen and not to involve in criminal activities. However, the MIC leaders always look for thugs for their protection. A national youth leader appointed by Samy was inrfamous thug in Klang. His brother was detained under ISA because of his involvement in promoting gangstarism. Ever General Assembly of the MIC delegats were prevented from questioning Samy by Thugs. Even in a MAIKA Holding meeting Dato Subramaniam and those who questioned about the misappropriation of funds were assaulted. Thugs, in fact, were produced by the MIC and MIC was the mother of all thugs. I request, you elect decent people with clean record and then the Indians will realise that thugs and criminals have no place in MIC and the society will reject them. Clean your own house before you try to clean other's house.August 19, 2008 1:16 PM
To anonymous,
Tepuk dada tanya selera, well i think i am doing that. And your replies proved that.
I think you are talking about MIC's ex-youth leader sir. You called for a clean up. And thats what they are doing. Let the ppl judge on the changes. Meanwhile what are we ( members of the community going to do on this issue???, thats my question in my post sir.(INDIANS: CRIME RATE INCREASING AND POPULATION DECREASING !!!)
thank you.
Anonymous said...
QUOTE:"supporting a political party or leader? does that mean we have close our eyes on their cons? I am doing my part , are you?
i am sincere... thanks you sir."
Are you sure you're sincere?I didn't came a cross on any of your posting on other political party or leader.Are you telling us they're saint or you're trying to cover up their wrong doing?Be sincere to yourself will do.
Greetings Mr anony (August 19, 2008 11:34 AM)
As you say, i might not be posting on cons of any particular BN leaders. Because i think there are more then enough blogers took up the task and doing a 'good job'
What we dont have is cons of the other camp(PR).as u asked me, are they(PR) gods or saints? a chance for the rakyat to see the other camps ugly side.I am not posting some rumors. I am posting with facts. Thats my freedom of speech. That explains the way i choose to 'walk' my blog.
And i do speak up on the issues that effects the rakyat. please browse tru my blog posts sir.
Thank you for your suggestions. In future i hope my posts will meet you expectations. (i just started bloging 4 months ago)
Anonymous said...
If u are really what you claim you are then why:
1. You never mention anyrhing about Samy Vellu? Is he an angel or God in your eyes?
2.Why Indian are still left far behind compare to 30 years ago?
3. Why you never mention about The Maika Telekom Issue?
4. Have you ever attended MIC meeting and do you know what will happen to those raise the issue? Read carefully the police report by T and you will get some idea.
5. Why you only publish photos about the wrong doing of PR? There are 1001 photos that will tell the story of BN. Why you didn't bother to look up for them and publish?
6. Have you ever come out of your well feed home and join the community service ? If you did then you will know the real situstion of the indians.
7. We have been The Slave to BN and especially SAmy Vellu and MIC for the past 50 years why don't we give PR 5 years to prove themselves.Why you always have to expect changes within 6 months while until HINDRAF come into force indians and their problems are unknown.
8. If you go to the grass root, then you will know the people are with PR. Only UMNO AND MIC are really worried about the future.In case all their wrongs are exposed. Even GERAKAN, MCA and SAPP are up and voicing their opposition towards BN@UMNO but MIC is being a good DOG still waiting for crumbs from its master UMNO.
Salam merdeka,
to mr anony (August 19, 2008 2:35 PM)
1st i am not here to prove who am i. I am just a normal member of the community like you sir.
For your questions.
No 1,3,4,5 - i have answered those in my previous comments.
No.3 - As a chairman and founder of MAIKA, its DSSV's responsibility to answer that. And Dato seri had promised a solution. Soon there will be a statement on that sir.
6. Yes i am doing community service as much as i can. With the help of MIC of course. If u want details, do email me.
log on to for details on activities by my group.
7. giving PR time? well thats my personal choice. I choose to give that time to BN and MIC to reform.
8. Grass root ppl are with PR? If its true, Thats their personal choice to choose whats best for them.
MIC not speaking up? please browse tru my posts is under the tag MIC and MIC cares. That'll be the answere for your confusion sir.
Other ref on what MIC doing since GE-12
Thank you.
P/s: please provide your name, for me to address you in my replies.
For the past few months ( maybe a year) everything in malaysia evolves around politics. barisan nasional, pakatan rakyat, hindraf, anwar ibrahim, and now Permatang Pauh in lime light.
Everyone is focused on political reformation. Yes, i agree that is important. But why are we (indians) closing our eyes on social reformation. are we? blogpost link (POLITICAL REFORMATION VS SOCIAL REFORMATION.)
Recently, Tamil nesan reported that, the number of Indian youths involved in various crimes has increased tremendously.
Malaysia Human Rights Commission’s Datuk N. Sivasubramaniam said Indian-based public and non-governmental organizations and political parties should shift their focus to these problems.
News Link (Suhakam: Turn Indian youths away from crime)
MIC has requested for a meeting with Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan to discuss the sharp rise in the number of Indian youths getting involved in crime over the past few months.
Its president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said the Indian community was alarmed at the recent spate of violent crimes involving its youths, with such incidents being reported in the media almost daily. News Link (MIC wants to meet IGP over rising crime among Indians)
MIC YOUTHMIC inviting Indian youths from all quarters to also come forward with their own proposals on how to solve this pressing problem.
YSS ( Yayasan Strategi Sosial - A social win of MIC)
Some programs for our indian youths .
But i wonder why the poor responses?? News Link (Poor response to business loans for Indian students)
Current Indian population stood at 7.8% and this was expected to fall to 7% in five years. Decreasing population but increasing crime level?
What is our responsibility?
Chaos theory - Chaos theory, ketidak-teraturan dalam keteraturan, keteraturan dalam ketidak-teraturan. Secara sederhana menurut wikipedia : chaos theory describes the behavior of certain non liniear dynamical system that may exhibit dynamics that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.Here we go again... and this time its about press freedom........... SPEAK NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL AND TALK NO EVIL ABOUT "SOME" PPL, If you do, this might happen...lolz.. :)

A group surrounds several Barisan Nasional workers in a pick-up truck.
Mohamad Sairien Mohamad Nafiz (in helmet) jumps on the vehicle to photograph the mob
IMAGE 3 & 4 :
He is then attacked and pulled to the ground where he is repeatedly kicked; before finally being rescued.
New Straits Times photographer Mohamad Sairien Mohamad Nafiz
Relating the horrifying incident, Mohamad Sairien said he was riding his motorcycle when he saw a group harassing several Barisan Nasional workers in a pick-up truck. "I ran after the slow-moving vehicle and hopped onto it to take pictures of those men, only to be pulled to the ground by one of them," he said.Mohamad Sairien said the rowdy group rained heavy blows and kicks to his body.
French photo-journalist Halim Berbar
Berbar said he was kicked on his buttocks thrice and struck on his head with a stick when he tried to pull Mohamad Sairien away from them. "I shouted at them to stop hitting Mohamad Sairien but they attacked me instead." Berbar, who came here four days ago, said he ran when the mob turned on him.
(Battle for Permatang Pauh: Attack on NST, foreign pixmen)

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Johari Baharum had a harrowing experience when hundreds of people swarmed the vehicle he was in at Kubang Semang in Penang yesterday. Picture shows a Barisan Nasional official’s vehicle being attacked after the nomination process for the Permatang Pauh by-election.
These were the emotions that went through me when hundreds of people surrounded my 4WD vehicle about midnight yesterday.
The mob, which dispersed after a political party's ceramah near the Kubang Semang mosque, saw me and reacted in a threatening manner.
They banged on the windows of my vehicle, rocked and kicked it. The four of us in the vehicle kept our composure and remained silent despite deing taunted by the mob with vulgarities that would make a sailor blush.(Battle for Permatang Pauh: Mob attack 'a shame on nation')
mmmmm....... The incidents is an embarrassment to our nation. This is not the first by-election that we are having.Penang Media Club acting president Zuraidah Abdul Rahman, who attended the press conference, said PKR should not have barred Utusan Malaysia journalists from covering Anwar’s press conference if they believed in freedom of speech.
“The club is not satisfied with Anwar’s explanation on the safety of journalists covering his events.
“His supporters have been carried away with his media bashing speeches and we want his assurance that the journalists covering his by-election campaign rounds would not be harmed.
“We have given him space and as such we expect him to reciprocate the gesture,” she added.
Chaos theory - Chaos theory, ketidak-teraturan dalam keteraturan, keteraturan dalam ketidak-teraturan. Secara sederhana menurut wikipedia : chaos theory describes the behavior of certain non liniear dynamical system that may exhibit dynamics that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.Wow.... there is so much happening in permatang pauh. i wonder how many parts of chaos theory i need to post untill 26. :)
Some of the "Day 0" Chaos........

Remember guys, they are fellow malaysians, like you and me.

Offering money to the ladies? The whole world is watching this by-election, and this are the image we using to promote our Malaysia ( its our bulan merdeka).
Just imagine its your mother or sister who walking there guys.
Can we atleast 'act' like a civilized human???
The so called future PM of malaysia IN RAJINIKANTH COSTUME!!! ( an indian actor)
I wonder if anyone really buy this crap and vote for that.

Its YANG BERHORMAT N.Gopalakrishnan!
(ref: anil netto -Nightmare (for BN) on Penanti Street )
A MIC strong man who left MIC. According to him, he is against the "one-man-show" way in MIC.
And here we have a parliment member, voted by the people of malaysia wearing a mask of DSAI.
So can we asume that everything in everyone one in PKR is about anwar and nothing else???
Related post :
Chaos theory - Chaos theory, ketidak-teraturan dalam keteraturan, keteraturan dalam ketidak-teraturan. Secara sederhana menurut wikipedia : chaos theory describes the behavior of certain non liniear dynamical system that may exhibit dynamics that are highly sensitive to initial conditions.So the chaos begins..... Looks like the so called "guardians of rakyat malaysia" having a hard time controlling temper, or shall we say "over excitement "???
For god's sake ppl, this is a parliament election!!! And what we have here, violence, sexual abuse, threat to press freedom, face masks ..... oh ya i forgot, posters of DSAI's face in india's movie actor's outfit.........
PKR supposed to save the rakyat from all this. Atleast thats what they have been telling us. Perhaps, there was a shift in their 'agenda' that i don't know. :)
Lets see some INTERESTING comments that i received for my earlier posts.
p/s: one guy actually suggested me to pack my bags an leave malaysia after DSAI become the PM....lolz.... the guy must be having this idea that anwar's "new malaysia" is only for those who supports him... :)
Anonymous said...
what the ****
who is he to self proclaim himself as the next PM.
what actually pakatan rakyat did till now besides giving us excuse that that they just came in power.
they cant even satisfy their own component parties. a good way of leadership.
and he is campaignin poster with rajini outfit. what crap is this.
we are talking about the faith of malaysia, not some tamil movie!
- Anonymous said...
Doesn't matter if he happen to destroy the temple as BN already doing that.So,what is big deal about it?
- August 16, 2008 7:06 PM
- Anonymous said...
SUPER STAR? DONT MAKE ME LAUGH... - August 17, 2008 12:44 AM
wake up lah guys. he once said he'll destroy all the temples in penang. and now he is back to contest in penang with rajini costume!
we dont want rajini or superstar. we want a good leader.
we had one here, wan azizah. its a great lost for permatang pahu.