"Bulan Merdeka "Tanah tumpah darahku" akan tiba. Saya akan mencuba menulis artikel saya dalam bahasa malaysia sepanjang bulan ogos. Minta maaf kalau ayat- ayat atau kata- kata yang saya gunakan berbau bahasa indonesia atau english."
Saya akan menulis bahagian ke-2 dari artikel "MIC & HINDRAF - Rela Demi Masyarakat India???". Saya mendapat sebanyak 15 comments untuk artikel tersebut. Minta maaf kerana saya hanya dapat aprove 4 sahaja kerana kebanyakan comment tidak begitu sopan. Pada pendapat saya kita masih terlalu emosional. Ciri emosional ini suatu ciri khas Rakyat Malaysia. Dan itulah yang menjadikan special berbanding negara-negara multiracial yang lain.

50% daripada responden menyatakan mereka mahu MIC dan hindraf kerjasama. 40% tidak setuju dan 10% tidak setuju dengan artikel ini. 10% ini mengatakan ini terlalu racist . Saya akan cuba memberikan pendapat peribadi saya. Saya akan menulis MIC & Hindraf - kenapa tidak, kenapa mesti, kenapa sekarang??? ( Why not, Why must, Why now)

MIC & HINDRAF - "Kenapa tidak" (why not)

Sebelum saya menyuarakan pendapat saya, saya harus mengatakan bahawa artikel ini bukan bermaksud saya hanya mementingkan kaum saya sahaja. Saya lebih bangga mengtakan diri saya bangsa MALAYSIA. Jadi kenapa artikel ini? Kerana saya percaya formula

MIC - Malaysian Indian congress, sebuah parti politik yang mewakili kaum india di kerajaan selama lebih 50 tahun. MIC adalah antara yang memainkan peranan yang penting dalam usaha melahirkan MALAYSIA MERDEKA. MIC terus berkembang sebagai suatu platform bagi masyarakat india. Sumbangan MIC bagi masyarakat india dan negara tidak boleh dipertikaikan. ( kalau kita lihat dengan mata hati bukan mata politik)

HINDRAF - sebuah NGO yang berani membawakan "ketidak puas hati" masyarakat india ke mata nasional dan internasional. Membuktikan bahawa suara dari kaum terkecil di malaysia boleh membawa kepada perubahan politik. Memaikan peranan penting dalam tsunami politik GE-12.

Keadaan sekarang, MIC harus memantapkan agenda mereka sebagai penjuang atau wakil kaum india. Kita dapat melihat hasil daripada itu. Telusuri web blog saya
www.punithanshan.blogspot.com di bawah tag MIC dan MIC Cares.

HINDRAF, yang menyokong pakatan rakyat pada GE-12 telah banyak menyuarakan rasa tidak puas hati mereka. Telusuri berita-berita berikut. (Indian groups fedup with pakatan goverments), (HINDRAF Chairman's pressstament)
, ("Hindraf: Why so few Indian councillors in Perak?")

Ini mungkin kerana tiak ada platform khusus bagi kaum india di Pakatan Rakyat. Maka suara mereka mungkin tidak dapat disampaikan pada pemimpin atas.

Sekarang MIC secara langsung dan tidak langsung telah menyatakan kesediaan mereka untuk bekerjasa dengan
HINDRAF (MIC wooing Hindraf, says Samy) . Kedua pihak ini memperjuangkan hal yang sama. Jadi kenapa tidak berkerjasama untuk tujuan tersebut. Kenapa harus lebih pecah belahkan kaum yang hanya 7 % di malaysia. Kenapa tidak masyarakat india bersatu sebagai satu suara dan 'deman' dari kerajaan pusat melalui wakilnya MIC?

To be continued with MIC & HINDRAF - Kenapa mesti ( Why must)...............

"When we speak with one voice, we will achieve our goals.
When we act with one determination,
nothing can stop us from fulfilling our dreams,"

Bahagian 1 dari artikel ini -
MIC & HINDRAF - Rela Demi Masyarakat India???

"Bulan Merdeka "Tanah tumpah darahku" akan tiba. Saya akan mencuba menulis artikel saya dalam bahasa malaysia sepanjang bulan ogos. Minta maaf kalau ayat- ayat atau kata- kata yang saya gunakan berbau bahasa indonesia atau english."
Melalui Malaysiakini dam media lain, Isu Muzakarah UMNO-PAS semakin lama menjadi semakin panas. Semalam, YB Tuk Guru Nik Aziz telah mengsulkan untuk PAS dan UMNO dibubarkan dan menjadi satu parti . Pada pendapat saya, muzakarah ini satu tindakan yang patut dibanggakan dan dipuji. Untuk kepentingan bangsa, 2 parti musuh sanggup duduk semeja bincang. Agenda politik diketepikan, agenda melayu diutamakan.

MIC DAN HINDRAF - Rela demi Masyarakat India???

Saya pernah menulis satu artikel, "BN and PR Indian YBs : TALK FOR INDIAN'S AGENDA???" minggu lalu. Saya mendapat respond dari beberapa YB termasuk YB Dato Saravanan (MIC) yang mengaku beliau banyak kerjasama dengan YB PR dlam agenda kaum india "Deepavali Controversy".YB Manickavasagam (KEADILAN) dalam email beliau kepada saya , "YB MANIKAVASAGAM'S REPLY ON MY blogPOST" mengatakan bahawa beliau sanggup bekerjasama dengan MIC jika ada keperluan atau tuntutan dari masyarakat india.

Semalam Presiden MIC, Dato Seri Samy Vely telah mengatakan, sejak GE-12 , MIC telah mengadakan pertemuan dengan pemimpim- pemimpin HINDRAF terutama "negeri-negeri utara" MIC wooing Hindraf, says Samy. Menurut beliau, pertemuan awal dengan mereka berjalan dengan baik. Dan mereka sanggup bekerjasama juka MIC ikhlas. Sebaliknya, Mr.Thanenthiran , koordinator umum HINDRAF malaysia menolak bahawa pemimpin HINDRAF mengadakan perbicangan dengan MIC.

Pada GE-12 HINDRAF menyokong PR kerana tidak puas hati dengan Barisan Nasional. Selepas GE-12 ada pemimpin HINDRAF yang mengatakan mereka tidak begitu puas hati dengan PR dalam beberapa hal.Berita mengenai hal itu tersiar di Malaysiakini, "Hindraf: Why so few Indian councillors in Perak?". Menurut Ketua Umum HINDRAF, Mr. Wythamoorthy yang sekarang berada di london, HINDRAF akan selamanya "apolitical" . Ia akan bekerjasama dengan siapa sahaja yang bekerja untuk kepenting masyarakat india di negara ini.

Kalau terlalu panjang artikel di blog, akan kelihatan seperti Buku cerita..:) Saya akan lanjuti artikel ini dalam bahagian kedua mengenai "MIC dan HINDRAF dan kenapa masyarakat india dan negara perlu mereka kerjasama"

to be continued.......

"When we speak with one voice, we will achieve our goals.
When we act with one determination,
nothing can stop us from fulfilling our dreams,"

Bahagian ke-II dari artikel ini -MIC & HINDRAF - Rela Demi Masyarakat India???

Bulan Merdeka "Tanah tumpah darahku" akan tiba. Saya akan mencuba menulis artikel saya dalam bahasa malaysia sepanjang bulan ogos. Minta maaf kalau ayat- ayat atau kata- kata yang saya gunakan berbau bahasa indonesia atau english.

Terima kasih atas 'comments' dari saudara saudari pada artikel saya Malaysiakini yang lebih adil?. Saya telah membenarkan semua comments kecuali yang tidak sopan.

Kesimpulan yang saya dapatkan dari comments yang saya terima, "hampir semua media utama yang lain pro-BN, y not malaysiakini be like this".Tapi kalau itu sebabnya, jadi malaysiakini bukan suatu media yang 'open minded' .

Saya tidak menyangkal bahawa malaysiakini menyediakan berita dari "semua pihak". Tapi saya rasa para pembaca, kalau lihat dengan benar dan jujur, anda akan tahu apa yang saya maksudkan dengan anti-kerajaan.


Pada bahagian satu saya telah menyuarakan pendapat peribadi saya dari aspek malaysiakini dan sisiopolitik. Pada bahagian ini saya ingin menyuarakan pendapat saya dalam hal imej negara.

Saya berpendapat, Malaysikini dilihat sebagai suatu portal-berita yang paling mudah diakses dan "on-time". Jadi untuk masyarakat antarabangsa, Malaysikini adalah satu portal untuk mereka menetahui mengenai isu-isu semasa di malaysia.

Seperti kita semua tahu, hampir semua tajuk tajuk berita di malaysiakini dalam katogeri "berani" ataupun mungkin sidikit "kurang sopan". Yang sangat jelas adalah tajuk dari satu berita minggu lalu - SHUT UP PAK LAH!!! .

Dari segi politik mungkin ada yang tidak senang dengan perdana menteri kita. Tapi dia adalah Perdana Menteri Kerajaan Malaysia. Diberi mandat dan kerpacayaan oleh rakyat melalui suatu proses demokrasi. Adakah ini sopan atau apakah imej orang lain terhadap negara kita? Saya mohon semua untuk memikirkan hal ini dengan adik dan saksama.

yang diatas adalah pendapat peribadi saya. Apa Kata rakyat??

Bulan Merdeka "Tanah tumpah darahku" akan tiba. Saya akan mencuba menulis artikel saya dalam bahasa malaysia sepanjang bulan ogos. Minta maaf kalau ayat- ayat atau kata- kata yang saya gunakan berbau bahasa indonesia.

Malaysiakini sekarang menjadi salah satu media utama yang menyediakan berita - berita tempatan. Boleh dikatakan ia menjadi salah satu media pilihan utama rakyat malaysia yang berada di malaysia dan di luar negara. Saya ingin mengucapkan syabas kepada malaysiakini kerana "BERANI" menyajikan pelbagai jenis berita -berita yang tidak mungkin kita dapat dari media yang lain.

MALAYSIAKINI juga membuktikan bahawa ia adalah lain daripada yang lain dalam banyak hal. Iya sangat "user friendly" and "internet friendly". Mungkin satu satunya media berita malaysia yang mengamalkan sistem "2-way" dengan rakyat. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk memburukan media media lain. Yang saya bicarakan sini adalah pendapat peribadi saya.


Pada pendapat saya, Sebagai satu "media harapan" rakyat Malaysia, malaysikini harus bersikap lebih adil. Kita harus akui peranan malaysiakini dalam isu sosio politik pada zaman "virtual information" ini. Jadi malaysiakini harus menyediakan berita - berita yang benar tanpa memilih satu parti atau fahaman politik yang khusus.

Dengan itu, saya percaya malaysiakini akan menjadi satu medium berita dan pendapat sosio politik malaysia yang diterima oleh rakyat malaysia tanpa mengira perbezaan pegangan politik.

Ini adalah pendapat peribadi saya. Apa kata Rakyat?

My Blog post : BN and PR Indian YBs :

An Email Reply From YB Manikavasagam (MP of Kapar) : -

Hi Dr Punithan,

Without any prejudice.

We can view the development between PAS /UMNO as more political rather then community need . UMNO trying all it could to block PR form next government.

We should learn this from Chinese community. Whether there supporter of DAP or MCA when there is a need for community all will join hand.

As far as Indian concern, we can do it as long as the real need of community seriously given priority putting aside political believe. Be it ruling party or opposition we need to accept the fact Indians been marginalized or far behind others in Malaysia.

In my constituency, we are trying out best to bring all Indian NGO's in working together. It's not easy given different level of mentalities.

I don't deny MIC trying their best to uplift Indians now. WHY NOW??? WHY NOT last 28 years??? Since they're still with ruling government much more can be done. The Government still throwing bones to Indians while denying our rights as citizen. At the same time, what been preached must be realised.

You may contact my political secretary Mr Shan should you're able to assist him organising such a forum.

all the best
S Manikavasagam


For the 1st time since GE-12 , 2 rival parties are willing to "share a table" to have a talk on "AGENDA-MELAYU. I am referring to UMNO-PAS talk on AGENDA MELAYU.

Prime Minister Abullah Ahmad Badawi had this week accepted a proposal from PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang for Umno and PAS to hold discussions on issues concerning the Malays and Islam.

Reaction From Few MPs :

Azmin Ali, PKR vice-president :
''.....May be in my personal capacity as an MP, I have no objections."

Khalid Samad (PAS-Shah Alam):
"......to show an open attitude towards Umno members and having this meeting with the Umno leadership will show that there is no animosity or personal vindictiveness."

Zuraidah Kamaruddin (PKR-Ampang) :
"We got justification from Abdul Hadi Awang that it is in the spirit of Malay unity. It is okay to share this feeling ..."

Shahrir Samad, Umno supreme council member :
"..... (PAS) are representing Malay-majority states like Kedah and Kelatan. We are talking about problems of poverty and development especially directed to the poor and the lower income group. It is a good sign to move out from the 'election' mode

My question is.......Will this be happening for Indians as well?? BN Indian YBs and PR Indian YBs.

Before GE-12 we witnessed almost all the PR indian YB's focused on INDIAN AGENDA.

But now are they turning their heart and mind to "Anwar's agenda"??

Having a press conference for PSD rejects and opening kelab penyokong PAS is not really an Indian agenda.

I understand that they representing Multiracial party which i say have very little "resources" for Indians Agenda. But they as the Indian's reps in PR should be able to find a way to walk their talks.

Maybe, the mainstream medias 'shutting off" the activities of their 'achievements'. But i personally don't see any major achievements for the Indians posted in their blog or other virtual resources. ( I daresay PR has 100% stronger force in the virtual world to publish their news and agendas)

Since GE-12, i can proudly say MIC is WALKING THEIR TALK. I am not boasting about the re branding. I am talking about their agenda's for Indians that they proposed to the government and now we are witnessing the "outcome". I have took the afford to post on all their achievements since APRIL 2008. Kindly browse my blog.

It maybe seen like i am taking things hard on PR Indian YBs. I respect them as the peoples representatives. I respect their capability. I am desperately waiting to see and benefit from their capability.

Back to the question, will the Indian YBs from both camps emulate PAS and UMNO?

Will the BN Indian YBs be open in this as well?

"When we speak with one voice, we will achieve our goals. When we act with one determination, nothing can stop us from fulfilling our dreams,".....


Dato Seri S Samy Vellu ( MIC) had proposed RM 300 mill annual allocation from the government for the welfare of Malaysian Indians. I have posted some of the "follow-ups" on that proposal.

PRESS STATEMENT LINK --> MIC not profiteering from RM300mil request

[B]Info: -

SUM : RM 300 million Annual Fund (9th malaysian plan)
For : Malaysian Indian's welfare
Proposed : Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC)
Handler : Permodalan National Bhd and others
Monitoring : MIC's Social Rehabilitation Foundation. (www.yss98.com)

Plan :

BUSINESS: ( micro credit and agro-business) --> www.indiansbuss.blogspot.com

TAMIL SCHOOLS: www.schoolstamil.blogspot.com

WELFARE ( Single mother and poor families) www.yss98.com


p/s: I'll post the updates on the blogs stated above.


MIC is the only sole representative for the Indian community in Malaysia. No doubt it is carrying out its job well now but why there are so many internal defects within the party? Only 3 parliamentary seats won by MIC in Segamat, Cameron Highlands and Tapah. MIC has not witnessed any new minister for the past 28 years until this election. Luck has dropped tremendously on Datuk Dr S.Subramaniam, who is the current Human Resource Minister. He would hv never ever imagined in his life that he will be a minister one day. With Gods grace, he is a minister now. Dato Seri S.Samy Vellu himself hv praised Datuk Dr S.Subramaniam for doing his job well now. He has learnt and made many new changes in his ministry but there is a small question to you Datuk…why there is still lack of Indians in the government sectors??What are the ways should be taken to welcome Indians to be in the government sector?? It was a drastic decision made by Datuk Dr when the recent Nikko company problem aroused. Many Indians were thrown off from the company without any reason. Well all the best to him in maintaining good standards in MIC and also his ministry.

Now let’s look at once upon a time a parliament Indian Hero, Dato S.Sothinathan. This former deputy minister is the best ever MP after Dato Seri S.Samy Vellu. His capabilities and great concern have made him to rise very fast in MIC. From a Secretary General to the Vice President of MIC.I have a personal stand that he will best fit into the President role in MIC after Dato Seri. His lost in Teluk Kemang constituency recently was a big upset to many Indians especially people in Port Dickson area. He has done a lot for the community. With all his contributions, it is worth it for him to be chosen as the Director of Yayasan Strategik Sosial (YSS) replacing Datuk Denison Jayasooria. Well if you are contesting in the next MIC election, all the very best to you Dato. It is hard to find a dedicated and young leader like you nowadays.

Datuk G.Palanivel, the former deputy minister who lost in the election with just a diminutive margin. Well congrats 2 him for obtaining an honorable doctorate recently in Salem, Tamil Nadu. He has been a very silent leader in MIC and people hv classified him as a person who is very pious and hard to control the party.

With all this things going on in the party, especially when Dato Seri is taking his fullest initiative to revamp, rethink and rebrand, why should we hv people who are leaving the party suddenly?? Started with Tan Sri Nijhar who was not given a the Subang seat instead it was given to lawyer, Mr. S.Murugesan and the MIC Youth Chairman, S.A Vigneswaren who was forced to leave the party because of his age limit. By having a few minutes chat, I think everything can be controlled. Now the problem here is should Dato Seri start the chat or S.A Vigneswaren. The new coordinator of MIC Youth, T.Mohan has pledged to gain more than 50,000 youths in MIC. Now my question is, when only about 20% youths are concern about the society, how are we going to recruit 50,000 youths into the party? When PUTERA MIC is recruiting the educated Indians to be in it, where should MIC Youth go to find for members? It is not only the matter of joining MIC, but the passion to serve the people should come beneath. Mr. P. Kamalanathan, who is heading the PUTERA MIC, has told once that his mission is to gather all graduated Indians to serve the community. Now my question is, do you think both PUTERA MIC and MIC YOUTH can run separately? By looking at the current status of Indians in Malaysia, I am pretty sure many Indians would like to avoid all this political issues.

Next, the Wanita MIC under Datin Paduka Komala Krishnamoorthy. Many defects hv been identified and there is no improvement in dealing and tackling the welfare of ladies in MIC. Some drastic measurement should be taken before any major problems arise.

Revamp, rethink and rebrand should not take long time in MIC. Everything should be executed by now to avoid more people leaving the party. Many leaders have made a comeback to the party like the CEO of TAFE College, Tan Sri G.Vadivello and now the former Deputy President of MIC, Dato S.Subramaniam. With all this hopefully everything speed up and benefit the Indian community generally. ALL THE BEST TO MIC!

7We have witnessed BERSIH and HINDRAF rally. They were very focussed on what they were "asking" for. And i think GE-12 results proofed that.

But what the hell was wrong with the "anti-fuel price hike rally" (7 July 2008)?? It was more like a carnival. Are we Malaysians going to celebrate rally s like some kind of festival??
What a 'rock-concert" got anything to do with fuel hike?? Malaysiakini reported that
The press was irked by PKR security volunteers. What heppenned to the "press freedom" that they were so called fighting for? And the whole event din look "cheap". I wonder how they spend..
Remember that the whole world is watching us. What the RAKYAT got to say on this?

MALAYSIAKINI :New plans show Indians not marginalised

As a responsible government, not only has it responded to the message (by voters), it also sent the message back to the community that ‘look here, we never intended to marginalise you’.”

“We (government) have been helping (the community) and if there are issues now, we will continue to address them and we are sincere in wanting to address them,” said Subramaniam during an interview at his ministerial office in Parliament earlier this week.

“It's for the community to move forward now and avail themselves to these opportunities. Of course the opportunity can be given but the person must also take the initiative to come forward"

Series of measures unveiled by the government recently to help the Indian community as a sign that it never marginalised the community:

  • To convert 372 partially-aided Tamil schools into fully-assisted schools.
  • Consolidate schools which had an enrolment of less than 50 students.
  • To ensure at least eight percent of Indian representation at all levels in the civil service. To achieve that, it will also see more promotions for Indian civil servants.
  • The MIC-run Asian Institute for Medicine, Science and Technology (Aimst) to be re-categorised as one of the five private universities which recognise government-sponsored students to boost the intake of Indian students into critical sectors like medicine and engineering. At present, students who receive government scholarship were only given a list of choice of universities which does not include Aimst.
  • To allow Indian contractors to take part in government projects at all levels. For government’s mega projects, it is suggested that certain sub-contract jobs be given to Indian contractors.
  • Indian entrepreneurs to be given more opportunities in the development of vendor development scheme through companies like state-owned oil firm Petronas and national car-maker Proton.
  • Easier access to government loans for Indian entrepreneurs.
  • More taxi and bus permits for Indian companies.
  • To increase the Indian corporate equity from the current 1.1 percent to 1.5 percent in 2010. To do this, the government is planning to set up a unit trust scheme based on the Permodalan Nasional Berhad model to allow Indians to invest in the scheme to increase their equity in the market.

MIC in quandary??? National youth chief and 'some' state youth leaders left MIC. Many may see this as a "setback" to MIC's Rebranding plan. Can this be a start for the community to see a "NEW MIC"?

Now, capable leaders like Mr. T.Mohan and lawyer Murugesan "took charge" of MIC's youth wing. They answered the presidents call to make the youth wing much stronger and independent.

While the ex-MIC youth chief threatening to open "the pandora's box" that will make more youths to leave MIC, The new "caretakers" of MIC's Youth wing wove that the youth wing will be strengthen by additional 50000 youths by end of this year. ( currently there are 100000 members in MIC"S youth wing)

The team of :
T.Mohan, S.Murugesan, S.Ramis, Datuk Edmund Santhara (Masterskill), Datuk Shan (Shan & Co.), Ex-Council Members, Ex-Bureau Chairmans, new talented youth and professionals line up
are certaintly 'Re-Energised and More Youthful' and will bring a new era for the MIC Youth.

the "re-energised and more youthful" wing of the MIC would chart a new strategy to woo more youngsters to join the party. - Dato Seri S. Samy Vellu