The People's Reform Movement (Reformis) has declared a 'nude war' against Pakatan Rakyat supremo Anwar Ibrahim.
In a hard-hitting press conference in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon, its president Ramlan Abu Bakar said the opposition leader must take responsibility for the Selangor government's 'failure' to address the plight of the poor in the state.
Previously, Reformis had declared a 'nude war' against Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and had threatened to strip naked and "stalk" him.
According to Ramlan, the opposition alliance had failed to fulfill the promises in its March 8 election manifesto.
"Anwar must be responsible for what Khalid has done in oppressing the people of Selangor," he said, but declined to reveal when the 'war' would be launched.
"If we reveal the details, then it would be a conventional war," added the president, who claimed to be a PKR member.
An emotionally-charged Ramlan also challenged Anwar and Khalid to debate with him on the allegation that the Selangor government had failed the poor.
"I would only need an hour, 30 minutes to talk about the problems faced by the poor who are marginalised in a developed state, which is called a welfare state," he said.
As for he date of the debate, Ramlan said he would leave it to Anwar to decide. "It is up to him. Because he is busy, we would be fair to him."
Asked if Anwar should quit as the PKR de facto leader if the party failed to fix the problems, he replied: "Quitting is not the issue. If he is a man of dignity, he should assume this responsibility." Resigning would be the last resort, stressed Ramlan, who also delved into history to talk about how Anwar had championed the cause of the poor in Baling, Kedah, in 1974 but "failed to do so when he became deputy prime minister."
'Liar and hypocrite'
Without mincing his words, the Reformis president labelled the opposition leader as a “liar, hypocrite and the devil incarnate”.
Ramlan claimed that he had informed Anwar to "fix Khalid's leadership" but he failed to do so and continues to remain "silent" on the matter.
As for the opposition front's manifesto, Ramlan said Pakatan Rakyat had only managed to fulfill four or five of its 31 promises.
As long as these promises were not fulfilled, the Reformis president stressed that the ‘nude war’ would continue.
Ramlan also launched a scathing attack against PKR representatives in Selangor, whom he said carried their honorific 'Yang Berhomat' titles more like 'Yang Berlagak' and 'Yang Bongkak'.
Asked why he chose this method of putting his grouses across instead of using the party channels, Roslan said: "These people cannot be coaxed, cannot be pleaded with and cannot discuss with."
"This is the method of gangsters, so we had to become bigger gangsters, only then would they accept. Only when we threatened to strip naked, he (the menteri besar) wants to resolve the problems," he added.
Flanked by 10 supporters, Roslan's fiery remarks at a sepak takraw court located in the heart of a low-cost flat complex in Sentul also drew a crowd of onlookers.picture source : Thanks to
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Re-branding MIC -setting the record straight
by MIC communications team in malaysiakini
Irrespective of what critics say, we will continue with our mission to re-brand and transform MIC into an exemplary party that strives on serving the people. We will continue to encourage and implement the agenda of the Indians in this country while we strive to co-exist in harmony with the other races. The re-branding exercise will be one of our vehicles to achieve this noble cause.
We would like to reiterate that MIC's re-branding exercise is unique. The methodology employed has been tested and has produced the desired results. It consists of a variety of strategic components and the strategies underlining the re-branding have been carefully analysed, examined, selected and deployed for the benefit of the party and the community.
Assist us to make our re-branding exercise a success.
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RE - BRANDING MIC - Setting The Record Straight (1)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Re-examine and re-evaluate (2)
Re-BRANDING MIC - What is Credibility? (3)
RE-BRANDING MIC - Has No Substance? (4)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Lacking transparency? (5)
Re-BRANDING MIC - The re-branding is futile? (6)
Re-branding MIC -setting the record straight
by MIC communications team in malaysiakini
We have been ever ready to uplift the lifestyle of the underprivileged at all times. Can anyone deny that there is no transparency when it comes to assisting the poor? Let’s be fair. The re-branding exercise, among others, touches on strategies to attract and assist the youths, single mothers, dropouts and the hardcore poor
related posts:
RE - BRANDING MIC - Setting The Record Straight (1)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Re-examine and re-evaluate (2)
Re-BRANDING MIC - What is Credibility? (3)
RE-BRANDING MIC - Has No Substance? (4)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Lacking transparency? (5)
Re-BRANDING MIC - The re-branding is futile? (6)
Re-branding MIC -setting the record straight
by MIC communications team in malaysiakini
One should definitely learn to think before they write. We are saddened by the presumptuousness of certain writers in leaping to the conclusion that there is no substance to the re-branding exercise. What amazes us is the lack of initiative to probe and learn or ask and obtain the reservoir of data, information and strategies that have been embedded into the re-branding methodology and execution plans.
For the benefit of other readers, MIC's re-branding exercise has no less than 30 strategic components that have been analysed and developed to re-shape grassroots leaders' thinking and perceptions, strategies to uplift the community, contact strategies and a strategic delivery system to reach the community timely and effectively. If one is unaware of these strategic directions, they should be silent and allow those who do know to carry out their humble tasks to serve and uplift the community.
All said and done, where do Indian Malaysians head to when they have a problem? Let's not be presumptuous but let's get statistical. The poor and the needy still come to MIC, everyday without fail. An exco member under the PKR government recently commented that he is rather intrigued and surprised that he is being constantly overwhelmed with various problems faced by the Indians and why his other exco colleagues do not have to undergo such agony.
related posts:
RE - BRANDING MIC - Setting The Record Straight (1)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Re-examine and re-evaluate (2)
Re-BRANDING MIC - What is Credibility? (3)
RE-BRANDING MIC - Has No Substance? (4)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Lacking transparency? (5)
Re-BRANDING MIC - The re-branding is futile? (6)
by MIC communications team in malaysiakini
What is credibility?
We would like to address the statement that MIC and its president have no credibility? Well it's time to think again. A leader who finds an opportunity to 'slip off' during a crisis is one who has no credibility. Since we are at it, let us also say that this goes even for a leader who just wants his superior to crumble and suffer so that he can obtain and enjoy 'instant leadership'.
The MIC president has withstood all forms of baseless criticisms and accusations simply to stamp his commitment and energy to give a new life to the party that has protected, guarded and championed the Indian community. This is what leadership is all about and this is the type of leadership that we are trying to mould during the re-branding exercise. Let us remember that there is no perfect leader who can please everybody. There will be mistakes but it takes a true leader to acknowledge them and have the courage to correct them.
So is the re-branding exercise a mere ploy? It has never been the intention of MIC to come up with a glossy terminology called 're-branding' but it is our intention to improvise the party and start getting each and every MIC member to start giving and serving the people with what they need. Just because some feel that they do not need MIC does not mean that others don't. It is through our re-branding exercise that we intend to change the mindset of party leaders and members and to achieve a people-based party with one vision and mission to serve the community.
It is profoundly strange if not ironic that one should be in a position to condemn without knowing what the leaders of MIC intend to attain by the re-branding process. It is through the re-branding process that we intend to constructively improvise the service levels in order to serve the community better.
Instead of simply churning out criticism, individuals who care for the community should openly engage in a discussion with any of the leaders who have an insight of MIC's re-branding exercise.
In the lens of MIC, we see Indians primarily and other races generally. An united Malaysia is part and parcel of our responsibility and MIC will continue to see through this agenda. When one is addressing an issue or providing assistance, MIC has never differentiated a MIC member from a non-member let alone an Indian who belongs to an opposition party. The outlawed Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) is of no exception to this rule. MIC has and will assist all irrespective of their individualistic political ideologies.
By the way, just to set the record straight, one should note that the support from Indians from all quarters towards MIC has only grown over the last couple of months upon realising that they have been trapped and duped with empty promises during the recent elections. Continuing to develop action plans to serve every Indian in this country is a strategic component of MIC's re-branding exercise.
When MIC says nothing on current issues, it is accused as being ignorant and indifferent towards the community's problems. MIC has its own professionals and experts who do not only examine such issues but also recommend suggestions. When a policy is introduced even if it is done by the government and one which will affect the community, MIC will be the first to stand up and voice its opinion. That's what it did on the recent ruling on yoga by the Fatwa council.
MIC does not engage in fashionable actions such as street demonstrations which have been popular but rather ineffective. MIC has its own institution whose effectiveness has been tested and proven. It has the power to mobilise 500,000 people overnight if it wants to. Confrontational measures are our last resort whereas mutual respect and negotiations have always been our modus operandi
related posts:
RE - BRANDING MIC - Setting The Record Straight (1)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Re-examine and re-evaluate (2)
Re-BRANDING MIC - What is Credibility? (3)
RE-BRANDING MIC - Has No Substance? (4)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Lacking transparency? (5)
Re-BRANDING MIC - The re-branding is futile? (6)
by MIC communications team in malaysiakini
The March 8 elections created new opportunities for us to re-examine and re-evaluate ourselves. While many felt that it was the end of the world, MIC under the leadership of S Samy Vellu embarked on a transformation exercise through the re-branding of the party. A clear direction, blueprint as well as defined strategies were put in place by April. By May, an in-depth and intricate detailed action plan together with accompanying roll-out strategies were developed.
Aug 8 witnessed the execution of MIC's re-branding plan. This clearly indicates that MIC wants to take the Indian community to the next level of success. As usual, in any launch there will be some within the party who have reservations about the agenda but with much assurance from the president, who had continuous belief in his team and their capabilities to deliver the community's needs and desires, such reservations were easily overcome.
MIC is fully aware that 'enough will never be enough' in any community. MIC is also aware that not many would want to acknowledge the good deeds and services that have been rendered by the party over the years to the many levels of the community. It keeps reminding its leaders and members that serving the community comes from the heart and one should not expect any form of gratification from the recipients. This is one of the core components of the re-branding exercise.
As part of the re-branding exercise, MIC has also developed a clear framework on how it has to and should connect with the people in order to reach them effectively. Unless one is part of the team, many will regard the re-branding as a camouflage to hide the past.
A true captain will never abandon the ship that has been entrusted to him simply because of the occurrence of a storm or a tsunami. Neither will such a captain handover the helm to his comrade even if they are keen to volunteer to lead and take over the ship unless and until the captain himself is certain of this.
Only a captain of the ship knows its strengths and weaknesses including its course of direction. In any organisation, let it be political, government or even a corporation, it is the norm that only the party president, the prime minister or the CEO is privileged to have access to strategic information which even the deputy has no clue of. When a ship is or has been subject to a tsunami, only the captain can, based upon his vast and profound experience, knowledge and skills, be able to steer the ship out of the crisis. That is what true leadership is all about and this will form an integral part of the re-branding exercise.
Anyone can criticise but in order to come out with a master plan and a congruent action plan, it requires more substance than what is required for provoking others in order to attain cheap publicity.
MIC and its leaders are not arrogant. Arrogance only steps in when one denies the truth and remains ignorant of the facts of the subject matter. As part of the re-branding initiative, every grassroots leader has been reminded to accept their weaknesses and open up to new developments in our society. They are reminded to hear the grouses of the youth, be multi-racial in their approaches as well as to embrace technology to reach out and be receptive towards positive criticisms.
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RE - BRANDING MIC - Setting The Record Straight (1)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Re-examine and re-evaluate (2)
Re-BRANDING MIC - What is Credibility? (3)
RE-BRANDING MIC - Has No Substance? (4)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Lacking transparency? (5)
Re-BRANDING MIC - The re-branding is futile? (6)
Re-branding MIC - setting the record straight by MIC communications team in malaysiakiniCritics in the blogsphere are not interested in why some of us in MIC have taken the trouble to come up with something new or why such measures are put in place.
We are appalled and amazed that the blogsphere has room for such self-proclaimed experts when in actual fact, their views and opinions are only suitable or rather cater for those who enjoy leisure reading.
We believe that in order to point and comment at another's initiative, one must have walked the talk first. And when we insist that our way is the best then we need to defend it with sound arguments and not retreat into the realm of rhetoric.
To make matters worse, there are some who do have the slightest clue as to what MIC's re-branding exercise is all about but have decided to contribute their penny's worth on the subject. However, nobody wants to do the hard work of bolstering facts with evidence and figures.
If indeed their arguments and so-called comments can actually stand up to the test, then of course they are worth talking about but at this juncture we are sure that none shall take up the offer.
This is indeed a treacherous act as these culprits have enjoyed various benefits and facilities from MIC over the last couple of years and yet today outrightly claim to champion reforms.
We will like to invite anyone who has the perception that the re-branding is merely cosmetic in nature to visit the MIC headquarters for an instant briefing on what the re-branding of the party is actually about, provided they share our mission of wanting to assist the community.
It is also important for us to stress that while it is not our intention to waste valuable resources and time on conceited bloggers who declare themselves to be the community's champions, we feel that it is important for us to clarify and reassure the majority of readers on what the party has embarked upon especially on the re-branding agenda.
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RE - BRANDING MIC - Setting The Record Straight (1)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Re-examine and re-evaluate (2)
Re-BRANDING MIC - What is Credibility? (3)
RE-BRANDING MIC - Has No Substance? (4)
Re-BRANDING MIC - Lacking transparency? (5)
Re-BRANDING MIC - The re-branding is futile? (6)